Sunday, February 13, 2022

I'm going to say it outloud......

 Hi Dear Knitters....

I'm going to say it outloud...what you have probably guessed from the posts the last couple of weeks...I am UNinspired by my knitting lately.  This is the best time of year to knit and I'm not sure what's going on.  The baby sweater is waiting for more yarn, supposed to be here tomorrow. The baby is still  under 5 lbs and the sweater is about a size no rush to get it done.  I worked on the 2nd sock this week a little bit.  About 2" before I can start the heel.

Worked on a swatch for the Daytripper Cardigan I will be making at some point. 

I tried to do a cheat swatch like they say to do and just run the yarn across the back.

I don't that that really gave me an accurate gauge...It felt too tight.

So I pretended I was making a hat.  Size 10.5 needles and I think the gauge is about 4 st per inch. I  need 3.5  It may bloom when its blocked. I have size 10 and size 11 needles coming tomorrow so i will add them to this swatch.  I am hoping the 10.5 work because I like that fabric.  We'll see. 

the actual color is someplace in the  middle of these two pictures.  A nice green, not obnoxious.

Ruth is really moving along on her Ivy Line sweater.  It is very dainty and I love it in this color.

Martha's update this week, in her own words:

Here is my sweater.  I printed the pattern off of the iPad and ripped my sweater back to the collar.  I’ve been knitting a lot over the last few days.  This yarn is Jill Draper Ansel Natural color 3, gauge is 6-7 stitches per inch. I don’t recommend this gauge for a sweater. I’ll be knitting for years.  That being said, I am very glad I ripped this because following from the iPad was terrible.  The sweater yoke was all wrong.  I have 6 more rows for the yoke then I split for the sleeves which I will very much appreciate.  This sweater is Naima by Ankestrick. 

Here’s a close up of the knitting. The yarn is very soft. 

Here’s my sock.  They’re much too big for me, 70 inches so I guess I’ll give them to Tom too! He’s a lucky guy!  He got the last pair I made!

In other news...

I have had a cold so I could not see the kids this! 

Ruth's friends are back at her backdoor!

We are gearing up to watch the superbowl tonight. We want the Bengels to win...time will tell...

Have a good week dear blog readers, I hope your knitting is more inspiring than mine is!

1 comment:

karen said...

there is nothing worse than being uninspired by knitting projects, ugh. I hope something sparks your interest soon. I am enjoying easy-peasy projects that require minimal thinking these days.