Sunday, October 23, 2022

Little Update

 Hi Dear Blog Readers....

It has been in the 70's the past two days and glorious here in Western New York.  As it turns out, I had to miss Rhinebeck...I can't even talk about it yet. LOL.  Joe and I got covid the week before.  Then mine turned into bronchitis. Martha's daughter Emma went with them instead.  I was glad Ruth didn't have to make that long drive alone so it all worked out.  Things are improving and I have been very domestic the last couple of days.  Lots and lots of cooking. Stripped the beds and hung all blankets,comforters outside to dry. Oh the smell is just heavenly.  

I did manage to finish most of a sock and start the 2nd one.

Notice I put the toe stitches on spare needles in case I don't have enough yarn. 

Fingers crossed I do!  If not, I will add black toes maybe. Or some fun color.

Pattern is Teosinte Socks,

Yarn is  Fiber Optics Kashmir that I got at Rhinebeck in 2015.  It's soooo nice.

Mason's Christmas sweater is coming along. There is a little pattern at the bottom but I think it is too long and I have to rip back. Waiting for Tiffany to send me measurements of a shirt that fits him.  I combined two patterns so it can have a Henley Neck.  (Got the idea from Martha because she recently did that to one of her sweaters).

Ruth is almost done with the body of her Gentle Morning Sweater.

Martha is working on her I found him cardigan.

She had to rip the ribbing three times but is on her way now.

She started a sock to match the sweater!

Here are some fun pictures they sent from Rhinebeck:

Martha and Emma

You can see back of Martha (Daytripper sweater) and Emma

Emma's sweater yarn

Martha's haul

Ruth's haul

Finally got the fall decorating done today,.  Joe grew all of the pumpkins in the pictures.

The cornstalks have lights that will come on at night, as well as solar lights. Can't wait to see it later.

Have a good week, dear blog readers.  Stay safe and be kind.

1 comment:

karen said...

I am so sorry you had covid and miss Rhinebeck, what a bummer that is. I hope you are feeling better and you can always do online retail therapy :) :)