Monday, July 28, 2014

Shawling Along

The third clue of the WendyKnits Summer 2014
Mystery Shawl came out on Saturday.  I have
7 of 18 repeats done.  I suspect Ruth is done with hers.
I did 23 repeats of Clue 2, which will make the back a
little larger.  It is still going to be a rather small shawl, I think.

The color is much more vibrant than this pic shows

Have a little start on the 2nd sock. 

Ruth's is beautiful, and the color is lighter in person than
it looks in the pictures.

Yesterday was a beautiful day for the pool.  This summer
has been really yucky pool weather so we were so glad
we could take advantage  yesterday.  Today is going
to stay in the 60's so I suspect we will not get much, if
any, use of it this week. The cool nights drop the temp
and it does not recover in the daytime.
Joe has worked so hard in his garden this year, and it
looks totally flooded this morning.  I hope his crop

 Cuteness overload!

 I love this picture!
 Abbey loves picnics
 I hate it when he does this
 and that's why he does it


reason for picnic

I'm on vacation this week, and what does one do when
its raining and cold?  KNIT of course!

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