Sunday, July 9, 2023

I don't crochet, but I am

 Hi dear blog readers....another cloudy Sunday here in Western NY!  

I never quite got the hang of crochet...knitting is more my thing.  I did learn how to do the chain stitch, single stitch maybe it's called.  Crochet seems faster, and easier to find and fix mistakes...but since I don't do it, I wouldn't know.  I think you sometimes need to crochet in knitting, and that is where I am on this little blanket.  I am done with the Log Cabin part, so I am crocheting two rows of single crochet around the edge in the pretty teal green.  I'm using it for a pop of color in the spare bedroom, which I don't have yet. LOL

 This is the back. I have a whole night of tieing the ends in I think.  I am so glad this is done.

Ruth has finished the body knitting part of her beautiful sweater. Now to add the button band.  Reminder she had 2/3 of it done before, and totally ripped because it was too big.   Levenwick by Gudrun Johnston. Imbue yarn by Brooklyn Tweed. Orchid colorway. Can't wait to see the update next week!

Here is Martha's  Eyelet Burst Shawl.  She wrote a good description so here are her own words:
The color in these pictures Is very yellow, unfortunately.
I’m knitting the Eyelet Burst Shawl by Stephan West. I was attracted to this shawl because of the variegated colors.  I’m starting with the pale pink, then the darker pink and the greenish one and the dark one. I have to knit 100 rows of the pale pink before I add the next darker color.  I’m getting close, maybe 10 more rows.  I just put the shawl on a size 47” needle!  I bought some 60” needles for this project.  I add 6 stitches, about an inch, every 2 rows so it is growing quickly. I don't know  if you can tell, but there was only the light pink and green primarily in the colors of this ball from the first end I started knitting from.  I switched because I wanted the dark pink to show too. I like it a lot better now. 

I love her colors!

Hedgehogfibers yarn has beautiful colors!

In other news...I saw the little grand joys this weekend but no pics. (I call the grand boys grand joys)!

They are so much fun. Jayce is so smiley!!!

I think I will make them matching hats...and I have to start knitting for the new baby due in November!

We are getting a little grand daughter!  I'll have to find the right pink color so it does not look like pepto bismal.  Her mom loves pink...always has.  She will be born around Thanksgiving so will need lots of wool to keep her warm this winter.  YEA!

Have a good week dear blog readers...stay safe, keep cool, and be kind.


karen said...

congrats on another grand! Our granddaughter is due near the end of August, we are excited and our grandson will be a big brother.

Jane said...

Congratulations on another grandchild. There is just nothing in the world like a new grandbaby. The crocheted border will finish that throw quite nicely. If I were there, I'd weave in the ends. I rather like weaving in ends as it means a project is finished as well as neat and tidy.