Sunday, December 29, 2024

Hoping for a Great 2025

 Hi Dear Blog Readers!  I hope you had a nice Christmas.  We had a great Christmas, but all of us got a BAD flu bug.  Think dad unknowingly brought it from nursing home. It was nice to see him here though. So we are here,watching football, instead of being away as we had hoped.  2024 has been and extremely challenging year for us; here's to a better 2025!

I was able to work on Jayce's sweater yesterday.  Have the snowflakes almost done.

Ruth finished her socks, and is working on her sweater again.

Martha is working away on her sweater and has blocked it. Pretty colors.

In other news:  

My fondest memory this year is of Mason.  Joe and I took him to the store and let him pick out anything he wanted for his mommy and daddy from he and Jayce for Christmas.  We wrapped the presents at our house and the boys decorated cards.  Then secretly put them under their tree. Tiffany said he ran down on Christmas morning and pulled them out. Would not open one present till they opened theirs. Reminder he is only a little over 4 years old.  My heart grew two hundred sizes when I heard that story.

Some fun pictures in no particular order:

Sweet Jayce

Mason was so excited to meet Jack for the first time.  He is such a great cousin.

Joe and sweet Jack

The kids came and we played outside on Thursday.  It was hard to pack the snow.

 (note grammy made mittens)

Me and Mason smooshed into his little camping tent.  And I mean smooshed!

Tiffany's family

Joel's family

Joey's family

Jayce stayed with Joel a long time...very unusual...and great.

Sweet little Jack.

Some bloggers choose a word to live by each year.  I do one, but soon forget. My word this year (for as long as I do it) will be savor.  Savor the minutes, the meals and the memories and the family.

Happy New Year Dear Blog Readers...

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Twas the Blog Post Before Christmas

 Twas the  Blog Post Before Christmas, and all through our house, things were crazy busy, and no knitting has been happening.  Joe and I are wrapping today. The boys were here for a few hours so Tiffany could wrap.  I'm feeling overwhelmed that I will not get done by Christmas.  I don't like the rushing around.  

No knitting pictures from me. I knit on the little sweater for just a few rows.

Ruth is working away on her 2nd sock. I like the yarn a lot.

Martha is working on her sweater. She has knit about 4” and have to do,9.5” from the underarm.   This pattern has a wide lace border around the edge of the sweater.  It’s coming along.  My car knitting helped today.

In other news:

A couple of pictures from Joe's family Christmas party:

Charlie had a Christmas sweater with a cow on it. Jayce is obsessed with cows. He kept going up to Charlie and saying Moooo Moooo

Mason swiped Mrs Claus wig

Greg and Joe were at the fryer all night

Jack - we got to see him this week. So adorable.

Charlotte loves her tunnel.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year dear blog readers. I'm away next Sunday so no post until the new year.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Casual Sunday

 Hi Dear Blog Readers....

I have had a casual Sunday, with both trees lit, candles going, chili made, some grandkid time, and finally....knitting.  Usually this time of year I'm frantically finishing up Christmas knitting. This year I did...NONE.  I made Mason's sweater, but that will not be for Christmas.  

I have a little start on the companion sweater for Jayce. I almost ripped it out. But after putting it down for a week, and rereading the directions, I realized I missed a whole set of increases. Back on track now.

And I knit on the sock for a bit this week. I think I'm almost ready to start toe decreases.

Gave the red hat to my friend Tammy this week and she loves it...phew.

Martha has 4" out of 8" done on the front of her pretty sweater.  She bought these cheap needles and look what  happened.

Lovely colors...

 Ruth started a sock this week, with yarn from Emma.  Seven Sisters Art yarn . Color is vireo. She is  going to try the integrated heel that looks like a flap heel but you knit in the round.


She finished up her cowl this week..pretty huh!  Pattern is Anne Hansons Cité. Yarn is Lichen and Lace.

In other news:

Jack is getting cuter and cuter...Charlotte is sick this week, so no pictures.

Tiffany's boys came for a nice visit yesterday.

They played with tinker toys we got from mom and dad's that my kids played with there.   

Have a great week dear blog readers...

Sunday, December 8, 2024

More of Nothing

 Hi Dear Blog Readers.

No knitting for me again this week.  I watched Charlotte a couple of days...which was fun.  We worked again to clean more stuff out of dad's house.  I will not be going back to the place I have known as my parents home for 60 years.  It's a very bittersweet experience.

I did manage to get the pom on the hat for my friend, if that counts!

Ruth finished her beautiful Sweet Chestnut cowl...I love it!!!

Martha's sweater update in her own words:

 I’ve knit the right side and joined it to the back at the underarm. I’ve done the short rows on the front and will start cruising down the left side. I had to do the short rows on the left front twice to get them correct   . I did the German short rows but she wanted me to do the wrap technique. Problems resulted. The second time it looks good.

 In other news:

Tiffany and her adorable boys!

Charlotte meeting her brother Jack for the first time...

Charlotte playing here...

Have a good week dear blog readers!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Busy busy busy

 Hi Dear Blog Readers,

Just a quick note to say no proper blog today.  This week has been so busy there was no knitting.  Little baby Jack arrived on Friday evening, a couple days early so we have been helping with Charlotte.  Ruth was traveling. Martha was busy.  All of these things = life.

I hope your holiday was more relaxing. 

Chat next week.

Sunday, November 24, 2024


 Hi Dear Blog Readers,

As Thanksgiving approaches, I'm so thankful for so many things. I hope you all are too.

I am almost done with Mason's sweater!  yea. I hope to get one for Jayce done for Christmas. Fingers crossed.

I worked a few rows on the Sweet Chestnut Cowl...not many.

Ruth is also making a Sweet Chestnut cowl, in the colors that Martha made her just finished fluffy hat. It's really much nicer than mine..can't wait till you can see it. She is  traveling this week...more to come next week.

Martha is working on her new sweater...Harriet's Jacket. It will be very the colors.

In other news:

Charlotte is ONE!  She loved her birthday party..she has SO MUCH personality already!

Tiffany's boys continue to be adorable....and fun!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving dear blog readers....I hope you have a restful, knitful week!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Little Knitting Bits

 Hi Dear blog readers....

I had a super busy week at work, so not much knitting to share.

Got the first sleeve of Mason's sweater  done, and ready to start first yellow stripe on the 2nd one.

Ruth finished up her darling socks. Notice the fancy pattern on the cuff!

Martha is trying to decide which color to use for contract on her pretty socks.

In other news:

Charlotte stayed overnight last night. She loves playing with the kitchen. She will be ONE on Friday.  I kept singing Happy Birthday to  her so she is not scared when we are all singing to her on the big day.

Mason got a hair cut.

Mason on Friday: Mom call my hairdresser.

Tiffany: Why

Mason:  Because I have the hiccups and might not be able to sit still tomorrow.  


And the big news:  Jayce got his first haircut.  I love how stoic he is just sitting there. Mason used to fuss terribly.

Have a good week dear blog readers....I hope we all get time to knit.