they are still considered "almosts".
The Monkey Bread Scarf and Hat by Anne Hanson are done,
and blocking.
Yarn: Noro 100% Cashmere (discontinued)
Size: Small
Needle: Size 7
Yardage - approx 400 yards scarf
approx 200 yards hat
I goofed up the hat a little bit in reading the pattern
(sorry Anne) but made it look rather nice in spite of
that I think.
They are for my Aunt Charlotte who gave me the yarn.
She is 84.5 and does not knit anymore. She used to be a lovely
knitter, and purchased this yarn to make herself a sweater,
but alas that did not happen.
The orange hat is Jacques Cousteau pattern - I think I will send
this to the Hats for Sailors Project.
I like the way swirls go around the top-- made
by decreasing.
The Baby Surprise Jacket for Felicia's baby is done,
but needs blocking and buttons yet.
Yarn: Cascade 220 Superwash and Lanette Superwash
yarn. The Cascade was not quite think enough for the size
I wanted, so I was lucky to find a yarn that matched color
perfectly! So I was able to use size 7 needle, vs. size 5 that
I would have had to use w/just the Cascade.
I also whipped up this little hat, that needs blocking and a
button. There are a few kinks in it, and if blocking does not
fix, I'm not giving it to her. Am also considering putting a tie
on it so it stays put. Stay tuned!
Ruth finished up her baby sweater, and also a matching pair of
socks before she headed off on vacation:

I think this set is totally totally adorable !!!!

I am starting to get the shakes because I don't have a project
going at the moment...need to start one this afternoon.
Yesterday was a nice day here in Western NY after the crazy
weather from this week. Abbey is exhausted today after being
outside all day.
and Mickey is exhausted too!
He can't go outside, so he chases Abbey from window to window!
Have a great week, dear blog readers!!!
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