Wandering in the Souk is done! It fits great, and it very
soft and springlike.
I like the little buttons.....
Now I need a cute shirt to wear underneath.
Friday night I was knitting on the cameo sock...went to
work on it Sunday morning and look at this:
A phantom must have got bored during the night and chewed
on it. I bet the phantom's name is Mickey. He's never done that
I was able to finish the sock...finally.
and I patched the top ribbing best as I could. I think I have
all of the stitches...UGH x 1000000
I think Joey will love them.
I cast on for
Avana shawl today. It calls for 134 stitches provisional cast on,
and she suggests the Invisible Cast on. Well after three trys
it finally worked. See the green yarn....you just slip a needle
through the stitches and pull the green out. Slickest provisional
I have encountered. It was very trying getting it to work, especially
using the size 9 needle.
I found iknits easiest provisional cast on
that worked better than video suggested in directions.
Ruth is zooming right along on her Buttonbox vest.
I saw it in person this week and it is so lovely. the yarn
has flecks of colors in it that you don't see in the pictures.
I can't wait to see it done. Yea!
Martha finished up a pair of mismatched socks...
which look great!
I'm so sad...I had to throw yet another pair of my socks out.
And I see another heel has a hole. I will have to patch them.
The ones I threw out were patched 2x..... The patches don't really
last that long. sigh...............
Have a great week....
Happiness is a state of mind, and knitting is a state of happiness !
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Spring is here
Spring "officially" started this week. You would not know it
by the weather...snowed this morning.
The spring sweater is done just in time
This is unblocked picture.....
Reminder Wandering the Souk pattern.
Yarn is Valley Superwash DK
Size 6 needle
This yarn is very stretchy. Once I washed it, I put it in
the dryer for a few minutes to tighten it up a little. I think it
will be just fine.
Here is it blocking....
I can't wait to try it on. I only added 5 button holes.
Modification to pattern: I added button band as I went along,
rather than picking up stitches and doing it when done. The button
band has an i-cord edging
Still have to get buttons.
I thought I had waaaaayyy too much yarn, but in fact, I almost ran out.
This is what's left. Each sleeve used one whole ball, plus two partial
pieces, same size as above. I am lucky!
I think I will treat myself to a pretty, feminine top to wear underneath
the sweater.....
Ruth is almost to the point of separating front/back on her
ButtonBox Vest with Harrisville Yarn.
So pretty!
She finished up her color work mittens. She was hoping to wear
them a few times before it gets too warm. With the snow and cold
temps predicted this week, I think she will get her wish....
Pattern is Trees by riihivilla ... a kit. I think they are so pretty and
classic looking. Great job!
Martha is almost done with her vest! Same Buttonbox as Ruth is making,
and Harrisville yarn also.
She just has the buttons to add and it will be done!
nice, don't you think!

In other news, I have been dying to make donuts ever since I
got the Pioneer Woman Cookbook for Christmas. I had to get
a donut hole thingamajig first....it came this week so....
It's more involved than I thought. You mix the yeast batter
the night before and let it sit in the fridge for 8-12 hours. Then it has
to sit the next morning and warm up to room temp - two more hours-
then you roll dough and cut out, and let rise for ---- you guessed it--
two more hours! Joe helped with the frying part of it...he is a
master fryer so I appreciated the help! I put glaze on some, and
cinnamon suger on the rest.
I'm quite proud that I only ate two. One of each kind.
Maybe it was three?
They were sooo good. Totally awesome. We are giving most of them
away...(Martha notice in top right corner..I'm using cup you gave me
for today's coffee).
Now you may think it's strange that someone is 'dying to make' donuts.
but let me tell you a story. When we were growing up, Mrs Randoph
who lived just a mile up the road made and sold homemade donuts
every Fri, Sat and Sun. People came from miles around to get
her donuts. I have been wanting to making them all of these years.
Mine were not as good as hers. Oh well.
Have a nice week dear blog readers, and when it snows or the
nights go down to 15 degress, remember that is so Ruth can wear
her mittens before spring!!!!!!!
by the weather...snowed this morning.
The spring sweater is done just in time
This is unblocked picture.....
Reminder Wandering the Souk pattern.
Yarn is Valley Superwash DK
Size 6 needle
This yarn is very stretchy. Once I washed it, I put it in
the dryer for a few minutes to tighten it up a little. I think it
will be just fine.
Here is it blocking....
I can't wait to try it on. I only added 5 button holes.
Modification to pattern: I added button band as I went along,
rather than picking up stitches and doing it when done. The button
band has an i-cord edging
Still have to get buttons.
I thought I had waaaaayyy too much yarn, but in fact, I almost ran out.
This is what's left. Each sleeve used one whole ball, plus two partial
pieces, same size as above. I am lucky!
I think I will treat myself to a pretty, feminine top to wear underneath
the sweater.....
Ruth is almost to the point of separating front/back on her
ButtonBox Vest with Harrisville Yarn.
So pretty!
She finished up her color work mittens. She was hoping to wear
them a few times before it gets too warm. With the snow and cold
temps predicted this week, I think she will get her wish....
Pattern is Trees by riihivilla ... a kit. I think they are so pretty and
classic looking. Great job!
Martha is almost done with her vest! Same Buttonbox as Ruth is making,
and Harrisville yarn also.
She just has the buttons to add and it will be done!
nice, don't you think!

In other news, I have been dying to make donuts ever since I
got the Pioneer Woman Cookbook for Christmas. I had to get
a donut hole thingamajig first....it came this week so....
It's more involved than I thought. You mix the yeast batter
the night before and let it sit in the fridge for 8-12 hours. Then it has
to sit the next morning and warm up to room temp - two more hours-
then you roll dough and cut out, and let rise for ---- you guessed it--
two more hours! Joe helped with the frying part of it...he is a
master fryer so I appreciated the help! I put glaze on some, and
cinnamon suger on the rest.
I'm quite proud that I only ate two. One of each kind.
Maybe it was three?
They were sooo good. Totally awesome. We are giving most of them
away...(Martha notice in top right corner..I'm using cup you gave me
for today's coffee).
Now you may think it's strange that someone is 'dying to make' donuts.
but let me tell you a story. When we were growing up, Mrs Randoph
who lived just a mile up the road made and sold homemade donuts
every Fri, Sat and Sun. People came from miles around to get
her donuts. I have been wanting to making them all of these years.
Mine were not as good as hers. Oh well.
Have a nice week dear blog readers, and when it snows or the
nights go down to 15 degress, remember that is so Ruth can wear
her mittens before spring!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Almost FO
The Wandering in the Souk sweater is ALMOST done...
I can taste it. Almost done with first sleeve, then 2nd
sleeve and add buttons and fini.... I will be ready to
move on to something else.
It looks like a jumbled mess right now...can't wait till it's blocked.!
Ruth has made little progress on her Button Box vest
made with Harrisville yarn since last post
(reminder she was traveling)
and, she decided to take a break and knit a cute pair of mittens!
Trees mitten pattern kit from Riihvilla.
She is flying through the 2nd one already!
Martha is the most monogamous knitter of the three of us. She starts
something and rarely wavers till its finished. She is coming along
nicely with her Button Box vest made with Harrisville yarn...it's almost done!
Color is cobalt.
I'm dreaming of what to knit next.....I think it will be a nice shawl (with sleeves)...
stay tuned
I can taste it. Almost done with first sleeve, then 2nd
sleeve and add buttons and fini.... I will be ready to
move on to something else.
Ruth has made little progress on her Button Box vest
made with Harrisville yarn since last post
(reminder she was traveling)
Trees mitten pattern kit from Riihvilla.
Martha is the most monogamous knitter of the three of us. She starts
something and rarely wavers till its finished. She is coming along
nicely with her Button Box vest made with Harrisville yarn...it's almost done!
Color is cobalt.
I'm dreaming of what to knit next.....I think it will be a nice shawl (with sleeves)...
stay tuned
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Couple of things
I had to repair a couple of socks again ...grrrrr
as I mentioned before I hate the process. But, saving the
socks is definitely worth it.
The sock on the left blew out an area below the toes...that
is the first time that has happened to me. The sock on the
right blew two holes in the heel! Reminder I handwash and
lay flat to dry all the socks. grrrr x 2
I'm working on a couple of socks. These are no rush, kitty knitting
projects. Sock on the left is Hawthorne yarn by Knitpicks.
I had to get two skeins to make for recipient that has size 12 feet!
Sock on the right is Panda Silk. The top black part is ribbing and bottom
black part is the heel. I thought if I mixed enough black in I might not
have to get more of the camo color, but I think I will need one more skein.
These are on size 0 needles. Why am I making two kitty knitting pairs
at once? The socks on the right are for Joey, so when he's around, I switch
to the other pair. These are the biggest feet I have for Christmas presents,
so figured I would get them out of the way first.
Wandering in the Souk is a couple of inches past the armhole.
I tried it on today and so far so good. All stockinette from here.
Ruth is color coordinating a couple of things...her toes and her
socks! She is traveling this week and got a pedi with her favorite
and her current socks are Show off Stranded Sock pattern
in Western Sky Knits, Aspen sock, cambridge colorway. I love the pattern,
yarn combo.
She is still working on her vest.
Martha has made a couple of modifications to her vest, and
is now ready to continue. I always admire the way she
can change things around and still make the pattern work so
she gets a good fit.
And finally, we have had a couple of sunny hours here in Western NY -- YEA
Happy Knitting
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Not much to show
When one row takes 30 minutes, there is not much progress to show.
Wandering In the Souk is just such a pattern...
I just finished 45 rows of the pattern, and now will separate the
sleeves and it will be very plain.
Yarn is Valley Superwash DK
(very splitty).
These camo socks are now 8"...I think I will do one more inch before
I start the heel .....
Cast on for a pair of socks for Mark. had to buy two skeins of KnitPicks
sock yarn (363 yards each) to accommodate his size 12 feet. Figured I bettter
get these two big feet done, then I can work on smaller socks for Christmas.
Martha and Ruth are coming along on their vests.
Here is Martha's.
She has to do two more repeats to arm holes...adding short rows to get
over the "girls"....looks great!!
Ruth's is coming along nicely also.
Both are using Harrisville yarn.
March 1st. Icy snow here. No wind. Does that mean its coming
in like a lamb or lion. My instincts tell me a lamb. CRAP that means
end of month will be furious!
Stay warm blog readers...and knit on!
Wandering In the Souk is just such a pattern...
I just finished 45 rows of the pattern, and now will separate the
sleeves and it will be very plain.
Yarn is Valley Superwash DK
(very splitty).
These camo socks are now 8"...I think I will do one more inch before
I start the heel .....
Cast on for a pair of socks for Mark. had to buy two skeins of KnitPicks
sock yarn (363 yards each) to accommodate his size 12 feet. Figured I bettter
get these two big feet done, then I can work on smaller socks for Christmas.
Martha and Ruth are coming along on their vests.
Here is Martha's.
She has to do two more repeats to arm holes...adding short rows to get
over the "girls"....looks great!!
Ruth's is coming along nicely also.
Both are using Harrisville yarn.
March 1st. Icy snow here. No wind. Does that mean its coming
in like a lamb or lion. My instincts tell me a lamb. CRAP that means
end of month will be furious!
Stay warm blog readers...and knit on!
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