Sunday, May 5, 2024


 Hi Dear Blog Readers....

It's damp, but humid, and sometimes rainy here in Western NY  today.  Boring. Just like my knitting.

I'm at the stage where I need something a little "more", but also want to get the sweater done.

The sweater sleeve is just above the elbow. Feels like I've been working on it forever!

I started a sock.  Decided it needed a little pizazz so I added a snowflake on the front and back.  24 stitch pattern repeat.  See the pink used for the cast on...I can't find the rest of the yarn!  I think I have enough left for two rows of the 2nd sock...

Ruth gave us this deck of pattern cards....mainly used to make cowls. The whole deck is different colorwork patterns.  I wanted something that would be at the top of the sock, and the rest plain.


I think I have lost a knitting bag somewhere.  Looking back on the blog, I completed a pair of socks last year that I can't find.  That is hours of knitting!  An the pink yarn...what else is missing???

Ruth has the increases done for the top of her sleeve cap. Such pretty cables!

Martha has one sleeve done on her sweater...she is styling it from the beautiful porch floor her husband just refinished. I think it's sooo nice (sweater and floor)

In other news, Jayce's big first birthday party was yesterday. He had so much fun!  

Tiffany decorated it so cute.

Jayce walked all over the place with his car.  He is not close to actually walking yet.

Little Charlotte Jane. She was a good girl...we pushed her around in the umbrella stroller and she was this happy all day.

Dad looks great for 90.5 years old!

Cake, anyone?

Jayce loved opening presents.

Have a good week dear blog readers...knit on!


karen said...

goodness that cake photo is EVERYTHING! I am sure your knitting is somewhere that you haven't looked yet...ha! I hope you find it.

Jane said...

Sometimes sweaters do turn into a marathon of stockinette. I sure hope that pink yarn turns up. If not, I'd find some other bright color to become an accent. Happy Birthday to little Jayce. What fun and what darling little ones. Oh yes, the other knits look great too.