Sunday, October 13, 2024

Art Project Time of the Year

Hi Dear  Blog Readers...

It's been a great week to walk with all of my handmade woolens...Joe says I look like an ART PROJECT with all of the different things I'm wearing to keep warm. Yea!  I'll own that!

This week I finished up the Luna Moth shawl I found in deep (really deep) stash.  I just added 4 rows (very very long rows) of garter and bound off. I think it's great.

Shaffer yarn (that has been out of business for many years now).

It's a nice size to wear around my shoulders or wrap around my neck. 

Finished up the socks in Garthenor Organic yarn.  I need to start another pair to work in at nursing home.


Started a raglan sweater for Mason..not sure if it will be for Christmas or not. Too early for a picture.

Ruth is working away on her Beautiful  Asterie by Natasja Hornby Moonstruck Knits Sweater.

Longmeadow Farm yarn., That yarn is becoming one of my favorites!

Martha has  done only a couple of rows on her beautiful hat, so no picture to show.

In other news:

I got to see the grands this weekend.  

Here is little Charlotte Jane...11 months old this week. Her new brother will be here in 7 short weeks,

Tiffany took her boys to a pumpkin farm this weekend.

Have a good week dear blog readers.

NO Blog Next week. Ruth, Martha and I will be at Rhinebeck.

Sunday, October 6, 2024


 Hi Dear  Blog  Readers....

It's 75 degrees here in Western New York as I write the blog.  Windy. Storms will feel like October this week I hear.  

I managed to knit a hat for Jayce this week. The larger one will go to Mason. I made Jayce's two sizes smaller and it will fit!  yea

Little Pumpkin Hat

Size 5 Needles, Cascade 220 yarn

Ruth is working on a new pretty sweater.  The pattern is starting to pop now.

Pattern is Asterie by Natasja Hornby Moonstruck Knits. Yarn is Longmeadow Farm. Wool alpaca, and llama.

 Martha is working on her Sparkling Cider  hat. So pretty and fluffy looking.

In other news:

This was the pretty sky on my early morning walk vibrant.

Dinner last night. Pasta with fresh tomatoes and zucchini.  Yummy

 I've been listening to audio books on the Libby app (library).  I have listened to a few now on the way to from nursing home to see dad. It's a longish drive.  I actually like it and look forward to the books.  Once thing I have noticed is the narrator makes or breaks a good listen.  The one I am listening to now is not the best narrator, but I like the story.  What do you think?

 Have a great week dear blog readers!