Sunday, May 30, 2021

We Take it for Granted

 Hi Dear Blog Readers...

Happy Memorial Weekend. We have had our heat on!  Summer days are coming next week. Yea.

I finished the body of the Fern & Feather Sweater, and have started a sleeve.  I'm so glad I ripped, it would have been way too big.  The fit will be just right now I think (hope).

 Little 8- month old Mason came to visit me on  Friday.  It was damp and chilly so Tiffany put him in the sweater Ruth made for him (thanks again, Ruth).  I was thinking how wonderful hand knits and especially baby knits are. I think we as  knitters take them for granted.

The knitted fabric moved and grooved with him (he does LOTS of moving and grooving now).  When he wears store bought sweatshirts, they just don't give, are stiff, ride up and just not nearly as nice.  he was so comfortable.
Who wouldn't want to take a nap in this sweater!

My point is:  Don't take what we do for granted.  Even if this wasn't a cute baby and Ruth didn't make the sweater, knitters so some pretty awesome stuff.  Embrace it!

Ruth is working on socks this week!  Uneek sock yarn. Basic sock pattern.  Yarn gifted from Martha. 

I love the colors!  so fun. 

Martha had to rip her sweater sleeve today.  She hopes to have an update next week.

Have a wonderful week dear blog readers.  Happy Summer !

Remember to be kind and stay safe.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

It's a Process

 Hi Dear Blog Readers!

This week I tried on my sweater - again - and decided it was  time to do a quick block.  I did not want the colors to run into the cream color on top so I just put it in tepid water with no wool wash.  Let it sit for a few and took it out. Wrapped in a towel an voila - it was way way way too long. So I put it on a towel to dry and ponder. It was kind of amazing how it cinched up and when it was dry, it was perfect length to start ribbing.  Problem was, it was too wide.  I did too many increases to accommodate my hips.  

So I ripped.  When I rip in stockinette, I always tink back a row or two after the stitches are back on the need to make sure they are in the right direction, no dropped stitches etc.  Feels like i should be much further along with all of the knitting I did last night, but I guess not!

 This picture is after blocking and drying, and before ripping. Notice blue lifeline.

The orange marker is where I started again after ripping. 

 This is a closeup of how nicely the stitches laid down after the soak.

Ruth finished up her hat!  I love the colors. It is sooo nice!

Da crofters kep pattern. Jamieson and Smith Shetland yarn. 

Today is Martha's birthday!  Happy Birthday, Martha!

She is still plugging away on her Oban sweater. Almost done. Issue with sleeve.  She is going to study stitch count tonight and figure it out.

Have a wonderful week dear blog readers. Stay safe and be kind.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

It Fits Me ..... It Fits Me Not

 Hi Dear Blog Readers,

This week I've worked exclusively on the Fern & Feather Sweater.  Unusual for me to work only on one project.  I get bored. VERY bored.  This week, however, I didn't seem to. Out of the five nights I was able to knit out of the last seven, I think I put the sweater on a string and tried on....five times!  LOL  I am very hippy and I want it to look good, but not huge or tight. In the end, it will be fine.  I hope!  The blue thread is a lifeline.  The space between the green markers is what I knit yesterday. Felt like I had a LOT  of time to knit. Hours. Does not look like much does it?

The 2nd green marker to the needle is what I  knit today. Not much.   Really can't get bored when I keep thinking ...will it fit me?  won't it?    LOL

Ruth has started the decreases on her Da Crofters Kep by Wilma Malcolmson. A kit from the Elegant Ewe.

It's a free pattern on Ravelry. I love her colors.! 

Martha is plugging along on her Oban sweater. Working on the first sleeve.  Her days are long and she is tired so not much knitting during the week ( I totally understand!!).   Martha said the sweater is going to be big.  Not too big, but nice  like an blanket big!  It's lovely !

In other news:

This weekend was lovely in Western NY.  I hung  laundry outside to dry both days.  Washed a lot of windows besides all of the regular cleaning.  This coming week should be nice weather also!  YEA!

I'm off to try the sweater on again do a few things before I settle down to knit for the night.

Have a great week dear blog readers. Stay safe and be kind.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

There Should Be More....

 Hi Dear Blog Readers,

It feel like there should be more knitting progress than there is since it's been two weeks.

I have just taken off the sleeves in the Fern & Feather sweater.  Now it's just stockinette all the way!

Ruth made a hat.

Pattern is Lauren’s Simple Striped Hat. Yarn is Green Mtn Mohair with wool. It was a bundle of small skeins the color of the hat. It is a little smaller so she is sending to her grandson.

 Martha is working on her Oban sweater.

She has been working on constructing the sweater and setting in the sleeve this week.  She said it's so long!  She is ready to do decreases and knit the sleeve away!  So nice. Such a lot of work.

No other news. Life here is pretty dull lately.  Have a great week dear blog readers !