Sunday, August 20, 2023

Dog Days of August?

 Hi Dear Blog Readers...

When I was a kid we would call the last couple weeks of August the "Dog Days of August".  Even with global warming, not sure if that is so true anymore.  This year, it's been much cooler, thank goodness. Still warm enough that I do plenty of other things besides knit.  I'm living with my 89 year old dad part time since mom there 2 + nights a week, and him at our house one night (two days).  He is ready to go home and I am ready to stay home when the time comes.  Tricky for sure.

I am working on the bottom band of the baby fir jacket....yea!  Guessing will start sleeves this week.

I'm going to knit enough rows to do another button hole.  This pattern puts a short row after every button hole, to keep it from stretching....interesting technique. 

Ruth is working on a pair of socks she started a while ago. This week she increased the length of her purple sweater, and sewed on the buttonband...waiting for buttons for the final blog post.  She is finishing up a pair of socks she started a while ago...Nice colors.huh!

Martha bound off the bottom of her sweater..finally a it she is happy with.  Looks great.  She and I will both be doing sleeves this week.

In other news:

I had stalkers on my morning walk today.  I actually had to direct traffic until they were safely off the road!  LOL  It's a spot near our house that cars frequently hit deer....I hope these babies are safe....

Have a good week dear blog readers!  Enjoy the last bits of summer. Martha starts teaching school next week!

1 comment:

Jane said...

That little baby sweater is darling. I'm so glad you were able to get those babies across the road. I hope you can work out the arrangements for your Dad. Helping parents in their old age isn't always easy.