Sunday, July 14, 2024

And the Heat is On...

 And the heat is on...I can hear that song playing in my head from the Eddy Murphy movie Beverly Hills Cop....It's been hot here this week....but the pool is GREAT!.  Wednesday was scarey here.  Tornado warnings all over and 4 touched down in Western NY.  We never get least we never used to.

With all of the walking and swimming and reading this week, there was not much time for knitting.  

I've finally reached a  new section on the Ric Rac Shawl.  The stripes are getting smaller.  

I like the salmon color a lot so maybe I will do two of those...

Ruth has all of the four pieces of her hat together now.  Riggies Beannie by Gudrun Johnston. Jamison’s Shetland yarn from her stash.

Isn't so cool!

She is working on a sock now in this beautiful yarn. Sock pattern is Jazz Strings by Anne Hanson. Yarn is Hedgehog Fibres merino cashmere blend

Martha has given up on her sock for a while and looking for something different to knit.  Yesterday she went to a Wooly Thistle show and got this beautiful yarn.

In other news:  

the kids came swimming yesterday.

Joe taught Mason how to doggie paddle (with life vest on of course)

Jayce loved the pool

Mason was so worn out he could barely stay awake to eat dinner....LOL

Have a good week dear blog readers.  So many things going on in our country right now take a moment to appreciate the good in your life.


Jane said...

The pool looks so refreshing in this heat. The knitting all looks so nice. That hat has such an interesting construction and the sock yarn is so pretty. And yes, we need to take a moment to appreciate the good things in our lives.

karen said...

how nice to have them over for a swim while the weather is so very hot!! We used to have a pool at our previous house and when the kids were young you couldn't keep them out of it!