Monday, September 30, 2024

Life Made Me Late

 Hi Dear Blog Readers...

I've been so busy this week...soooo busy....that I am a day late with the blog.  

Only knitting I've done is to work on the 2nd sock a bit.

Ruth is working on her pretty Seldon and Leonard shawlette. I love the dainty

Marthas sent pictures of her completed hat in different views.

So the sheep!

In other news:

Tiffany, Mason, Jayce and I went to Alpaca Farm days this weekend.  Two farms. Not quite as much stuff as last year. Jayce loved the alpacas.

We celebrated Mason's birthday again!  He had a FOURwheeler party.

Miss Charlotte had fun

I got the fun job of watching Mason and Jayce while Tiffany got ready for the party.

One example of why I was so tired last night:

Have a great week dear blog readers!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Officially fall

 Hi Dear Blog Readers...

We are officially in Fall. The weather here has been quite warm....hello air conditioner! But it cools down so nice in the evenings.

I finished up this Little Pumpkin Hat today.  Tried it on Jayce yesterday and I think it will fit nicely...hopefully.  While it was on his head half the stitches came off the needles...I should have known better.  Now it just needs blocking.

Size 6 needles

Cascade 220 yarn from stash

I like the little ear flap detail

Ruth is working away on her beautiful little shawl.

Martha finished up this darling hat today

In other news:

I got out for walks most everyday this week. I walk in the very early morning. The moon looked like a Cezane painting a couple of days.

Mason is 4 today....He and Jayce had a sleepover last night because Tiffany and Mark were at a wedding, so I made pancakes for breakfast and we sang to him.

I had to share this picture of Tiffany she sent me from the wedding.

They took Mason to the trampoline park today.  Jayce  had fun too.

Have a good week dear blog readers.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Oldies But Goodies.

 Hi Dear Blog Readers.

Not much news  this week...another week of not much knitting..though I did dream about it a lot...that is progress!  Worked a tiny bit on the sock.

I started a hat for Jayce. Little Pumpkin he has one for fall. It seems like he gets the hand me downs, so I wanted something just for him.

I was cleaning a closet and found this sweater, mitten, hat combo I made probably 20 years ago just because for my first granddaughter.  I had some style then. No clue what the pattern is even.  It's a kimono sweater...maybe I can find it.  Not sure if little Charlotte will wear it or not.

I found this also.  It's probably a 18 or 24 month size.  I may send to my cousin for her little granddaughter.

And I found this!  Luna Moth shawl. Free pattern from Elan when they were in business way back when. Schaffer yarn..they are out of business too.  It's from about 2009.   I think I will just do a few rows of garter and bind off. Im not into the big shawls anymore....I prefer shawlettes.

Ruth was away this week and working on a shawl.  Pretty green!

Martha made a lot of progress on her hat this cute.

In other news:

Tiffany and Mark at wedding last week. Love this picture.

Mark took the boys for a ride and Mason wanted to pick Tiffany flowers...oh my heart!

Mason came for a sleepover last night and we made three individual pizzas. Soo good. Joe cooked them on the grill....

We went to Holley Falls at dusk last night.  Mason and I went in the water, and Joe was the photographer/driver.  In the spring this is very high so its fun to walk in it.
Mason was thrilled that he could get muddy and we didn't care.  LOL
Tiffany had a day off this week and took them to the beach at Lake Ontario.

Have a good week dear blog readers...

Sunday, September 8, 2024

It's Fall Y'all

 Happy Fall Dear Blog  readers...chilly and very windy at our house today.  Let's catch up since the last post two weeks ago...

I heard back from the designer on the vest, and away I went knitting again.  And then came to the realization that the pattern was not going to show in the yarn. Ripped and will start something else.  I am in a knitting funk.  Want to knit something but can't figure out what. Maybe a sweater for Mason.  I did finish up the first sock, and have a small start on the 2nd. Boring!  LOL

Ruth is mostly done with her beautiful sweater...she is looking for buttons. 

Martha is going to make this beautiful are out of order...she has a little start on. Looks soooo fluffy and warm!

She is also making this hat. Ruth sent her some different colors this week so she will work on it soon.

This is start of fluffy hat.

In other news:

Martha got a cute new rescue dog that they named Bea.  After a week she is settling in nicely!

Charlotte had a sleepover with us good and cute.

Jayce is getting a new little personality now that he walks and has a mohawk!

Mason is just as cool as ever.

Joe and I went to Oneida Lake last week...

This is how is started on the New York state thruway. Joe was a total rockstar fixing it.

We were able to get out on the water Friday night when we finally got to camp.

Saturday it was rainy. Clouds were very dramatic.

Sunday was beautiful.

Heading out for date night.

Have a good week dear blog readers...