Sunday, September 15, 2024

Oldies But Goodies.

 Hi Dear Blog Readers.

Not much news  this week...another week of not much knitting..though I did dream about it a lot...that is progress!  Worked a tiny bit on the sock.

I started a hat for Jayce. Little Pumpkin he has one for fall. It seems like he gets the hand me downs, so I wanted something just for him.

I was cleaning a closet and found this sweater, mitten, hat combo I made probably 20 years ago just because for my first granddaughter.  I had some style then. No clue what the pattern is even.  It's a kimono sweater...maybe I can find it.  Not sure if little Charlotte will wear it or not.

I found this also.  It's probably a 18 or 24 month size.  I may send to my cousin for her little granddaughter.

And I found this!  Luna Moth shawl. Free pattern from Elan when they were in business way back when. Schaffer yarn..they are out of business too.  It's from about 2009.   I think I will just do a few rows of garter and bind off. Im not into the big shawls anymore....I prefer shawlettes.

Ruth was away this week and working on a shawl.  Pretty green!

Martha made a lot of progress on her hat this cute.

In other news:

Tiffany and Mark at wedding last week. Love this picture.

Mark took the boys for a ride and Mason wanted to pick Tiffany flowers...oh my heart!

Mason came for a sleepover last night and we made three individual pizzas. Soo good. Joe cooked them on the grill....

We went to Holley Falls at dusk last night.  Mason and I went in the water, and Joe was the photographer/driver.  In the spring this is very high so its fun to walk in it.
Mason was thrilled that he could get muddy and we didn't care.  LOL
Tiffany had a day off this week and took them to the beach at Lake Ontario.

Have a good week dear blog readers...


karen said...

what lovely finds! I'm sure they would wear it, it's beautiful!!

Jane said...

How nice to find those little knits tucked away. Your muddy outing with your grandson looks like fun. He has a very fun grandmother.