Sunday, January 26, 2025

Our Superbowl Sunday...1st of 2 perhaps???

 Hi Dear Blog Readers....

Here at our house today, it's superbowl Sunday. Our beloved Buffalo Bills have to beat the KC Chiefs to move on to the real superbowl.  I just hope its a good game, and the refs don't make any major blunders.  

Not much knitting from me this week. I had a super busy week.  Knit on the 2nd sock a couple of nights. Looked at Ravelry for more sweater patterns.  I think I found one I like, and can get gauge.

This Midland sweater caught my eye, and apparently everyone else's, on Ravelry.  I may have to check it out..not for the green yarn I'm swatching right now, but maybe I have other yarn. It's kind of unremarkable, but it's the construction that has everyone interested.

Ruth is zooming along on her Spinery Jacket sweater.  Knitting the sleeves right now.

Martha is working on her 2nd sock.  She thought the colors would be more similar. Such is the life of a sock knitter!

Her latest sweater picture of Harriet's Jacket. She will work on it today.

In other news:

We saw the kids a lot this week.

 The boys loved this coloring mat.  The little pens are filled with water and each section has different colors on it. So they just doodle and feel like they are painting.  When they are done playing, and the whole thing dries, it turns back to white again so they can start over. Very cool.

Little baby.

Charlotte loves to play in the kitchen

 Pictures of Martha's daughter, Emma's engagement!  She picked out this beautiful antique wedding set a bit ago.


Such an adorable couple.  Wedding will be in June.

Have a good week dear blog readers...



Jane said...

The faces of those grandchildren are beautiful. So sweet. Those mats with water pens are a lot of fun. If you can find small ones they are good entertainment in the car. The Spinnery Jacket is lovely. I'm wondering if that is a pattern from the Green Mountain Spinnery. I like the broken rib effect. Have a good week.

karen said...

love the photos of the kids!! Growing up! I have five projects going on at the same time and I feel like that is my limit for now.