Hi Dear Blog readers...Winter has returned here in Western NY. Friday it rained most of the day, then turned to snow. Saturday it was absolutely beautiful with all of the snow on the trees. It's supposed to be 38 tomorrow...think muddy mess. LOL
I finally got some buttons for the boys companion sweaters. Joann's stores used to have two rows of buttons, now there is one little section. I'm ok with what I found though.
Plymouth Select yarn - superwash. Wonderful yarn for kids.
Size 7 needle
Pattern is Boy Sweater by Lisa Chemery. Mason size 6 yr / Jayce size 2 yr
I did not like the bottom pattern so I found a snowflake pattern I liked and added that in. Tweeked the stitch count to make it work when I got to that part.
I took lots of pictures because this has been my knitting life for a couple of months now! HA!
Mason loves yellow and I love Jayce in green..sooo... and I LOVE these boys!
I feel like photographing knitted items on a sheepskin bring out the true colors!
He is saying Cheese!
Mason's sweater is a little big so maybe he can wear it next year. He was so happy to take the picture.
I finally found a sweater that will work with my yarn and gauge. Alhambra
I've knit Isabelle Kraemar's patterns before and the detail is amazing. No guesswork.
Ruth is almost done with her sweater and is making a hat! Cables and moss watch cap. Kathryn McGonaghie. Nice details in the ribbing! So cute!
Martha has the knitting done on her beautiful Harriett's Jacket sweater! Stunning detail!
In other news:
Our beloved Buffalo Bills lost. The End till next year.
Have a good week dear blog readers!
gosh that sweater!! love the color, snowflake and the toggle buttons.
Your sweaters look wonderful and it is always good to have a tip on yarn for kids. Isabel Kraemer writes a nice pattern. Have a good week.
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