Hi Dear Blog Readers...
Snow is the theme for this week. Oh my goodness we got a ton. Monday to Friday. It was like a real old fashioned Western NY winter. We got maybe 12-18" total. I'm over it. But it's going to be almost 50 this week. Bring on the flooding in the backyard...sigh.
I worked everyday this week. No snow days when you work at home. :)
Finished up the baby booties. I hope Joey will put them on little Jack when he starts crawling.
Turned out cute.
I am working on the sweater again. I hope I can get some knitting time in this week. The rows are long with the sleeves increasing.
Ruth has spent a lot of time with her Pattern is Hinterm steins Perfect Polo sweater this week. She says it's zipping right along with the sleeves off the needles. I love the pattern/yarn combo.
Martha was in Maine this week visiting her daughter, a college professor! They were looking at wedding attire for Martha and of course yarn. Martha got some very pretty yarn that I hope she shares soon. It's a pretty pink and screams SPRING!
In other news:
(Note: I share a lot of family pictures here because we use it as a family album. It's fun to look back and see how the kids, etc have grown. And mom. Oh I love the pictures of mom. Feel free to skip past this if you are only interested in knitting).
Tiffany had a birthday this week! My special girl.
I took a video of everyone singing..well I thought I did..and messed it up. Mark was even singing!
Saturday the boys came over for a play date so Tiffany could shop with her friend. See comment way above about snow. The boys of course wanted to go outside. It takes a long time to get two of them ready.
We had a blast though.
Mason worked so hard blowing snow and making a castle.
Note they are both wearing the green hats I made them. They cover the ears so well. Jayce did not have mittens that fit but he stayed out a long time just moving snow.
Joe was trying to clear snow off of the room and Mason was trying to move it. He worked so hard. LOLHave a good week dear blog readers..stay warm and knit on!