Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Hi Dear Blog Readers...

Snow is the theme for this week. Oh my goodness we got a ton.  Monday to Friday. It was like a real old fashioned Western NY winter. We  got maybe 12-18" total.  I'm over it. But it's going to be almost 50 this week. Bring on the flooding in the backyard...sigh.  

I worked everyday this week. No snow days when you work at home. :)

Finished up the baby booties. I hope Joey will put them on little Jack when he starts crawling.


Turned out cute. 


I am working on the sweater again. I hope I can get some knitting time in this week.  The rows are long with the sleeves increasing.

Ruth has spent a lot of time with her Pattern is Hinterm steins Perfect Polo sweater this week.  She says it's zipping right along  with the sleeves off the needles.  I love the pattern/yarn combo. 

 Martha was in Maine this week visiting her daughter, a college professor!  They were looking at wedding attire for Martha and of course yarn. Martha got some very pretty yarn that I hope she shares soon. It's a pretty pink and screams SPRING!

In other news:

(Note: I share a lot of family pictures here because we use it as a family album. It's fun to look back and see how the kids, etc have grown. And mom.  Oh I love the pictures of mom. Feel free to skip past this if you are only interested in knitting).  

Tiffany had a birthday this week!  My special girl.  

I took a video of everyone singing..well I thought I did..and messed it up. Mark was even singing!

Tiffany and Mark went to dinner Friday near home and we watched the kids and had bday cake afterwards. I want to note that 22 month old Jayce set the table and did a great job!

Saturday the boys came over for a play date so Tiffany could shop with her friend.  See comment way above about snow. The boys of course wanted to go outside. It takes a long time to get two of them ready. 

We had a blast though.

With that hair the kid could be in movies!

Mason worked so hard blowing snow and making a castle.

Note they are both wearing the green hats I made them. They cover the ears so well. Jayce did not have mittens that fit but he stayed out a long time just moving snow.

Joe was trying to clear snow off of the room and Mason was trying to move it. He worked so hard. LOL

This was the moon yesterday morning. It was so bright and beautiful.  I can't wait to walk outside in the mornings again!

We got to watch little Jack and Charlotte last night.  They are so adorable! And Charlotte played with Joe!  yea!

 Have a good week dear blog readers..stay warm and knit on!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

We Interrupt this sweater to bring you.....

 Hi Dear Blog Readers!

Oh we are sure getting a mixed bag of weather today. Snow! Sleet! Wind! Rain!  It's winter, that's for sure.

This week I needed a break from the sweater.  Joe and I went for a little get-away to Niagara Falls and I wanted something more portable than he sweater, so I started booties!

This was my inspiration....socks I made  Joey years ago. 

 I saved the yarn in case he ever had a little boy, which he did.

I found this pattern for Stay On  Booties .  A very (very very very) simply worded pattern that needs a lot of interpretation.  Notice that I have printed out the original, and three more of the same pattern that others made notes about.  I have used all of them.

 So anyway, I made these booties for Jack.   I added some fluffy yarn to make it softer.

I read the pattern wrong (all four of them) and had to rip back a bit.  Once I figured that out it made sense.

The pattern is kinda cool...It's like orgami that you sew together. My mattress stitch is not that good. I'm hoping it evens out.

 Ruth has started a new sweater!  Perfect Polo. Hinterm Stein pattern. Yarn is Bartlett sport.

Martha made a cable hat for her son Tom this week. She used Bartlett yarn.  Cute huh!  Now she is making him texting mittens.

 In other news:

Joe and I got to see the little boys this week, but we were so busy playing I didn't get any  pictures.  Joey's family has been sick so I haven't been able to see them in a few weeks!  

Have a good week dear blog readers...I'm off to start the 2nd bootie!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Superbowl Sunday

 Hi Dear Blog Readers...Here we are at Superbowl Sunday already.  I really don't care about the game much.  I'm excited for knitting for 3 hours straight!  HA!

Though it does not look like much yet, I knit a lot on the Alhambra sweater this week.  It's really fun!

 Ruth finished up her beautiful Spinery Jacket sweater.  Look at the buttons!   It's just lovely. Great fit!  I wonder what sweater she will knit next?


She is almost done with her  Cables and Moss watch Cap. Pretty colors!

 Martha did not get much knitting done this week.  

In other news:

Tiffany and her boys came over yesterday to play in the snow. Joe has a snowdog and pulled us around on it. We took turns in the sled.  So fun. 

This is the only picture I have of Mason..see him in the front? I wish I had more. He had a great time. Was such a trooper. Loves being outside...

Jayce had a blast too.  He was fine till his mittens came off and his hands froze.

I love that they wear the stuff I made. ;)  He is so cute!

 Another picture of the sweaters...forgive me.  But this one is special to me. Tiffany was at work and Mark was watching the boys. He dressed them in their sweaters, and put matching pants on them, AND took a pic and sent to me. I love  how they are holding hands. 

Little Charlotte is kind of fascinated with her brother.

Two months old. Look at those eyes. Be still my heart!

Have a good week dear blog readers...


Sunday, February 2, 2025


 Hi Dear Blog readers...Winter has returned here in Western NY.  Friday it rained most of the day, then turned to snow. Saturday it was absolutely beautiful with all of the snow on the trees.  It's supposed to be 38 tomorrow...think muddy mess.  LOL

I finally got some buttons for the boys companion sweaters.  Joann's stores used to have two rows of buttons, now there is one little section. I'm ok with what I found though.

Plymouth  Select yarn - superwash. Wonderful yarn for kids.  

Size 7 needle

Pattern is Boy Sweater by Lisa Chemery.  Mason size 6 yr / Jayce size 2 yr

I did not like the bottom pattern so I found a snowflake pattern I liked and added that in. Tweeked the stitch count to make it work when I got to that part. 

I took lots of pictures because this has been my knitting life for a couple of months now!  HA!

Mason loves yellow and I love Jayce in green..sooo... and I LOVE these boys!

I feel like photographing knitted items on a sheepskin bring out the true colors!

He is saying Cheese!

Mason's sweater is a little big so maybe he can wear it next year. He was so happy to take the picture.

I finally found a sweater that will work with my yarn and gauge.  Alhambra

I've knit Isabelle Kraemar's patterns before and the detail is amazing.  No guesswork.

Ruth is almost done with her sweater and is making a hat! Cables and moss watch cap. Kathryn McGonaghie. Nice details in the ribbing!  So cute!

Martha has the knitting done on her beautiful Harriett's Jacket sweater!  Stunning detail!

In other news:

Our beloved Buffalo Bills lost.  The End till next year.

Have a good week dear blog readers!