Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Hi Dear Blog Readers...

Snow is the theme for this week. Oh my goodness we got a ton.  Monday to Friday. It was like a real old fashioned Western NY winter. We  got maybe 12-18" total.  I'm over it. But it's going to be almost 50 this week. Bring on the flooding in the backyard...sigh.  

I worked everyday this week. No snow days when you work at home. :)

Finished up the baby booties. I hope Joey will put them on little Jack when he starts crawling.


Turned out cute. 


I am working on the sweater again. I hope I can get some knitting time in this week.  The rows are long with the sleeves increasing.

Ruth has spent a lot of time with her Pattern is Hinterm steins Perfect Polo sweater this week.  She says it's zipping right along  with the sleeves off the needles.  I love the pattern/yarn combo. 

 Martha was in Maine this week visiting her daughter, a college professor!  They were looking at wedding attire for Martha and of course yarn. Martha got some very pretty yarn that I hope she shares soon. It's a pretty pink and screams SPRING!

In other news:

(Note: I share a lot of family pictures here because we use it as a family album. It's fun to look back and see how the kids, etc have grown. And mom.  Oh I love the pictures of mom. Feel free to skip past this if you are only interested in knitting).  

Tiffany had a birthday this week!  My special girl.  

I took a video of everyone singing..well I thought I did..and messed it up. Mark was even singing!

Tiffany and Mark went to dinner Friday near home and we watched the kids and had bday cake afterwards. I want to note that 22 month old Jayce set the table and did a great job!

Saturday the boys came over for a play date so Tiffany could shop with her friend.  See comment way above about snow. The boys of course wanted to go outside. It takes a long time to get two of them ready. 

We had a blast though.

With that hair the kid could be in movies!

Mason worked so hard blowing snow and making a castle.

Note they are both wearing the green hats I made them. They cover the ears so well. Jayce did not have mittens that fit but he stayed out a long time just moving snow.

Joe was trying to clear snow off of the room and Mason was trying to move it. He worked so hard. LOL

This was the moon yesterday morning. It was so bright and beautiful.  I can't wait to walk outside in the mornings again!

We got to watch little Jack and Charlotte last night.  They are so adorable! And Charlotte played with Joe!  yea!

 Have a good week dear blog readers..stay warm and knit on!


Jane said...

The little ones are so sweet. I enjoy your family photos. I remember the days of getting everyone dressed to go outside. The booties are darling and the purple sweater is very pretty too. Stay warm.

karen said...

happy birthday!! we still have snow on the ground but have a warm up this week. I am thrilled to wearing regular winter clothes outside to walk instead of two of everything so I don't freeze to death.