Sunday, March 2, 2025

March came like a lion!

 Hi Dear Blog Readers.

March came in like a lion here in Western NY yesterday.  Today it was 9 when I got up.  Tomorrow it will be 50. Welcome March!  LOL

I did not have a lot of time to knit this week.  I did take the Alhambra  sweater and put it on a string and soaked it to see how it will size up before I go any further. It does not look like much, but it is a lot of knitting.  

Ruth is going round and round on her beautiful Perfect Polo sweater.  Love the color. Love the pattern.  Her sweaters always have a great fit.

 Martha had a horrible week at work so no knitting news from her.  70ish more days till she retires.

In other news:

I went to see the little boys today. Clearly I was not paying enough attention!

Jack dressed in blue....those eyes!

I had grammy snuggles with him Saturday.  Rather than put him down when he fell asleep, I  chose to hold him.

Lots of fun with Charlotte and Jack.

 Have a good week dear blog readers...It's snowing like crazy here now. Ugh.