Sunday, October 6, 2019

Countdown is on

The countdown to Rhinebeck is on!  One more weeeknd to get
thru.  We are all so excited!  Ruth and Martha each have two plus
sweaters since last year. My sweater is ruined - I felted it.  It may
fit a small girl. I can get it on, but it looks horrible.  Sigh.

I managed to get a few rows done on Mariechen sweater.
Each row takes a long time.

 finished the hat I was working on and started some socks.
Not sure what pattern these will be.
Stay tuned.

Ruth is working on the 2nd sleeve of her sweater.
Look how nice it is.
Martha is almost done with her sweater:
She has  turned the collar and  ready to add the little ruffle 4-5 more rows then done with the knitting. Finishing should be done shortly after that!
I love the colors of this sweater.

 Then she will work on the socks she started a while ago
In other news:
Joe and I worked on making roasted red peppers today.
He grills them.  We did one bushel today and will do the
2nd when the peppers ripen more.

That's all folks!

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