Sunday, June 30, 2024

June is Gone...sigh

 Hi Dear Blog Readers....I am trying to grasp that today is the last day of June.  2024 is half over...How????  LOL

This week has been crazy busy.  We have had five close family members in the hospital across Western NY with various major surgeries and ailments.  The worst one is my dad.  He will be in the hospital a day or two more then go on to rehab. He is in no shape to leave the hospital yet.  

Hospital waiting is good for knitting.  Ric Rac shawl is easy to pick up and put down.  The softness of the yarn is very nice in my hands as I sit there wondering what will happen to dad.

Ruth finished up her socks...Hermonie  pattern

The hat is all jamiesons Shetland yarn from her stash. Pattern is Riggies hat by Gudrun Johnston.

Martha got this nice peace fleece yarn at Harrisville on her way back from vacation. She does not know what it will be yet. Love the colors.

She started a new sock... Arcane Finer Works yarn, excellent dying,  She made up the pattern with stripes because the yarn is soft I wanted the stripes to maintain the structure of the sock.

Here is her finished hat. She will gift it to her daughter's bf at some point. 

We have Charlotte this weekend because the kids are at a wedding  in Florida.  Tiffany is helping with her A LOT while I'm at  the hospital with dad. She is 7 months, so a lot of work. She is  a good little girl.

She was underwhelmed looking at Craig's list with grampa

We got her a little short set to hang out in this weekend. Too bad the weather has been sooo rainey.

Aunt Mindy came to meet her for the first time.

 Martha's husband built a rock garden....I love tranquil.

She saw a porcupine!

Have a good week dear blog readers....Happy July

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The days are getting shorter and the rows are getting longer !

 Hi dear blog readers...

We are at the end of a heat wave that took over Western New York this week.  phew!  Winds are really blowing today...and  Summer Solstace was this days will be getting a tad bit shorter.  booo

I manged to get some knitting done this week.

The Ric Rac shawl is so fun.  I seem to knit faster when there are colors involved.  I'm about to start repeating the first color again.  The rows are getting very long now....

Finished up the toe and am ready to start colorwork on the 2nd sock.  I'm sorry now I did the snowflake on just the front and back of the sock...thought I was so clever....oopps..probably not.

Ruth ripped the vest she was working on...much too big.

She is making socks, and started this hat....Easwas by Kate Davies. Yarn is Jill Draper makes stuff Mohonk lite. She said it's pinker than the photo.  Lovely details!

Martha started this hat after she finished up her socks:

Bonnie Isle Hat.  She is using Jamison yarns.  Fun colors!

Here are her finished fun socks!

In other news:

 Martha's daughter and her boyfriend attended a glam shot!


I had Wednesday thru Friday off of work this week.  Spent Wednesday making freezer jam.

Even after sharing with the kids, I won't need to make any next year.

Friday we left for a weekend getaway.  

Visited Cayuga Lake...

Went to see Old Dominion in concert. I have loved their music since before they were famous.  They did not disappoint. 

Played a lot of old favorites as well as new music.

We stayed on Oneida Lake...view from our  porch this morning before we left.

Have a great week dear blog readers....

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day

 Hi Dear Blog Readers...Happy Father's Day

My dad is with us this week and I think he looks great for 90.5 years old!

I had fun knitting on the Ric Rac shawl this week. It's fun changing colors. The pattern says to carry the main color up the side but I didn't like it so I'm cutting each time and sewing in...ugh. ;)

 I worked a little bit on the sock this week.

 Jayce now fits into the blue sweater I made for Mason when he was the same age. So cute!

Ruth made a lot of progress on her Islanders Vest this week.  The pattern really pops now!

Martha finished up most of super  fun sock#2.  Just the heel to go.

In other news:

Mason and I went for ice cream this week at Red/White and Moo.

We took it to the Holley Falls to eat it. Fun day for sure!

Jayce loved riding his 4-wheeler in our much space.

Tiffany made this for Joe.  He absolutely LOVED it.

Joey's first father's day.  Charlotte totally adores him!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

 Hi Dear Blog Readers...

It sure does not feel like summer here in Western New York. We have had 2.5" of rain since Thursday.  A small tree blew over in the back yarn from the wind on Friday.  This week will be cool.  But it's actually been wonderful to walk and sit outside.  The air is so nice and fresh!  I'm trying to write earlier this week...I'm usually so tired by the time Sunday night comes around.


The Golden Assam Sweater is blocking.

Size 2 needles, yarn is Isager Tvinni - I made the 4th size (42).  I would normally make a 38/40 but gauge told me to make this size. I think it will work perfectly.  I added a few stitches on the sides for my hips.

A couple of weeks ago I saw this sock pattern on Ravelry.  Noticed that the designer used this interesting heel so I bought the pattern just for the heel. It's called an increased gusset.  It is the same as the German Short row heel, except you increase a few stitches, then decrease. Not sure if I will like it. I'll have to wear them to see I guess.  It definitely used more yarn.


Just starting down the foot on mine.  These are the snowflake socks I started a bit ago.

Ruth and I went to a fiber show a few weeks ago and I saw this stunning shawl. I think I was intrigued by the colors....I'm really liking tweedy yarn lately.  The Pattern is Ric Rac.

The shawl I saw was in the booth of Sandy Long - LongMeadow Farm.  I have purchased her yarn before and it's a dream to work with.  And I seem to gravitate toward little shawls in the summer.  

I picked out the oatmeal base color, and a fun kit with the other colors. She said that there is enough yarn in the kit to make a larger one than she made.

I did look around Ravelry for a pattern I may like better but didn't find one.  Anxious to get started; especially since the sock is brainless till I get to the foot part.

Ruth is working on a vest. Islanders Vest by Libby Mills from Green Mountain Spinnery. Yarn is natural brown Finn wool from Dayton Finnsheep Farm.   She has had a few starts and stops this week but is on her way now. It will be so nice don't you think!

Martha is working on sock #2.  She is busy with end of year school activities. Almost done for the year!

She and her daughter Emma (blue shirt) and a friend were celebrating "knitting in public" day fun!

In other news:

We had a busy week. Finally have all of the flowers planted.  Work was really busy again. 

This is a picture Joey sent me which I love. Benny watching over little Charlotte Jane.

Jayce feels like a big boy playing with the blocks at a trampoline park.

We celebrated Joe's birthday this week.

Have a great week dear blog readers...

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Thissss Close!

Hi Dear Blog Readers....

It's a rainy Sunday here after a beautiful weather week here in Western New York.

Work was tough this week but I did manage to get a little knitting done.  I am thissssss close to finishing up Sleeve #2 and being done with this sweater.  

 Ruth started and stopped and started her vest.  Now she is trying a different swatch to see if it different yarn will work better.  That's what knitting is all about...finding the right mix!

Martha finished up fun sock #1 and is well on her way for sock #2.

In other news:

Tiffany and I took the kids to  the Junefest in our local town yesterday. It was such a fun day. (who am I kidding...we were with a 1 yr old and a 3.5 year was a fun 2 hours!)

Mason got his face painted like a monkey

Tiffany got this little car for $3 at a garage sale. And it has a battery...that works!  Jayce can't quite walk yet, but he sure can ride.  I love this look of pride on his face.

I was so proud of Mason for riding the pony named Pony.

This is Charlotte....we will get to see her tomorrow....yea!


Have a great week dear blog readers...I'm off to finish that sweater sleeve!