Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day

 Hi Dear Blog Readers...Happy Father's Day

My dad is with us this week and I think he looks great for 90.5 years old!

I had fun knitting on the Ric Rac shawl this week. It's fun changing colors. The pattern says to carry the main color up the side but I didn't like it so I'm cutting each time and sewing in...ugh. ;)

 I worked a little bit on the sock this week.

 Jayce now fits into the blue sweater I made for Mason when he was the same age. So cute!

Ruth made a lot of progress on her Islanders Vest this week.  The pattern really pops now!

Martha finished up most of super  fun sock#2.  Just the heel to go.

In other news:

Mason and I went for ice cream this week at Red/White and Moo.

We took it to the Holley Falls to eat it. Fun day for sure!

Jayce loved riding his 4-wheeler in our much space.

Tiffany made this for Joe.  He absolutely LOVED it.

Joey's first father's day.  Charlotte totally adores him!

1 comment:

karen said...

Happy Father's day to your dad!!! Loved seeing your photos and hope you are keeping cool.