Sunday, June 2, 2024

Thissss Close!

Hi Dear Blog Readers....

It's a rainy Sunday here after a beautiful weather week here in Western New York.

Work was tough this week but I did manage to get a little knitting done.  I am thissssss close to finishing up Sleeve #2 and being done with this sweater.  

 Ruth started and stopped and started her vest.  Now she is trying a different swatch to see if it different yarn will work better.  That's what knitting is all about...finding the right mix!

Martha finished up fun sock #1 and is well on her way for sock #2.

In other news:

Tiffany and I took the kids to  the Junefest in our local town yesterday. It was such a fun day. (who am I kidding...we were with a 1 yr old and a 3.5 year was a fun 2 hours!)

Mason got his face painted like a monkey

Tiffany got this little car for $3 at a garage sale. And it has a battery...that works!  Jayce can't quite walk yet, but he sure can ride.  I love this look of pride on his face.

I was so proud of Mason for riding the pony named Pony.

This is Charlotte....we will get to see her tomorrow....yea!


Have a great week dear blog readers...I'm off to finish that sweater sleeve!


Jane said...

The kids are so so cute. I bet you have so much fun with them. And wow, you are really close on that sweater. I do agree knitting is often about finding the right mix of pattern and yarn. Some projects just aren't meant to be.

karen said...

you can do it!! I love knitting sleeves because it is so near the end of the project :)