Sunday, September 22, 2024

Officially fall

 Hi Dear Blog Readers...

We are officially in Fall. The weather here has been quite warm....hello air conditioner! But it cools down so nice in the evenings.

I finished up this Little Pumpkin Hat today.  Tried it on Jayce yesterday and I think it will fit nicely...hopefully.  While it was on his head half the stitches came off the needles...I should have known better.  Now it just needs blocking.

Size 6 needles

Cascade 220 yarn from stash

I like the little ear flap detail

Ruth is working away on her beautiful little shawl.

Martha finished up this darling hat today

In other news:

I got out for walks most everyday this week. I walk in the very early morning. The moon looked like a Cezane painting a couple of days.

Mason is 4 today....He and Jayce had a sleepover last night because Tiffany and Mark were at a wedding, so I made pancakes for breakfast and we sang to him.

I had to share this picture of Tiffany she sent me from the wedding.

They took Mason to the trampoline park today.  Jayce  had fun too.

Have a good week dear blog readers.


Jane said...

Your little hat is darling. Those ear flaps are very sweet. The photos of the sunrise are so pretty. Your family is precious and your daughter is beautiful. Enjoy these days.

karen said...

I love how the hat has something to keep the ears snug!! Happy birthday to M and the wedding photo is so beautiful!!