Sunday, January 12, 2020

Tinking or Ripping ??? That is the Question....

 When we left off last week, I had finished up my sweater repeats, and
I was going to block it to see how much it grew, and to see if I was good,
or had to go back.  Well, after blocking and a couple of days to dry,
it was decided that it was the perfect length, which meant I had to go
back some rows so I could add in ribbing.  

Side note here:  Apparently wet wool is an attractor
for cute kitties. Had a hard time keeping Mickey off 
of the sweater as it was drying.  UGH x 100000

Anyway, Joe took a picture and I sent it on to Ruth.
The three of us decided it had to be  ripped back so it
would be this same size with ribbing.  That is eight rows.
Some of them complex. So I  could not do until this
weekend so I could really concentrate.

Here is the result, waiting to start the ribbing.
Mariechen sweater.
This was definitely a TINK back and not a RIP.
I had to make sure I knew where I was.

Side note # 2 here: The yarn got softer after blocking. nice.

While the sweater was blocking, I worked on
sock #2.  Ribbing is K2, P2, with the knits
through the back loop (tbl).  I got one repeat of the
pattern done, and had to rip  back to the ribbing.
That was two nights worth of  knitting!  I made so
many mistakes because I was so tired.
the pattern was TBL, K, K, TBL, P, P
How can I mess that up?  But I did. That was definitely
a RIP.  I picked up the ribbing, and then tinked back
a row, now ready to start pattern again.

Ruth is ready to start short rows on her sweater:
 Shenandoah yarns and pattern is Colors for a Cloudy Day by Connie Peng
Next week we may see colorwork!

Martha is working along on her Emerging Cable socks.
The heel gusset is different, and difficult, so she is
ripping and tinking back. She hopes to be done soon so
she can start fresh.

In other news:
I did a lot of cooking and cleaning today.
Joe even helped he felt sorry for me.

Side Note #3 here:  When there is not knitting news..insert cooking
news so the blog is not so dull)

Roasted brussel sprouts...yummmmm


Potato salad

Chicken noodle soup

I've been going to the gym after work so I wanted
good meal prep for the week. 

Mickey was looking out the window towards the
neighbors..wishing for Spring like the rest of us.

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