Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Plain Wins

 Hi Dear Blog readers....

This has been a week for sure.Work was really hard this week, so I've been resting a lot this weekend.

I started a vest this week from yarn in deep stash.  Scrumper Waistcoat.  I think it looks a little long on the model.  I will make mine a little shorter and another reason is I want to have enough yarn!  It will have enough patterning to pay attention, but enough plain work to be able to watch tv..I hope.

 I have 6 rows of  seed stitch done and I will try it on now to see if it fits my hips.  I had to fudge numbers to make an in-between size. I think it will work....fingers crossed.

I had a very specific pattern in mind when I bought this yarn a few years ago, but now I have no idea what it was!  ha!

Started these socks to knit while I'm visiting dad at the nursing home.  Started with a pattern, but switched to plain knitting since it did not show up as the yarn is so dark. I'm happy with plain socks!

Ruth is very close to being done with her Redhook vest made with Bartlett yarn. She is working on short rows now and said they take a long time.


Martha is working on her Silverleaf shawl again  now that she is home from vacation.  Very pretty. She is about to start a patterning section.

In other news:

I listened to my first ever book on tape this past week.  I needed something to occupy my brain with the longish drive to/from the nursing home to see dad everyday.  I started with one book and it seemed like it was going to be R+++ rated. Abort abort abort!  I found a drama set in Australia that kept my interest.  Called The Soulmate.    I liked it!  I'm glad I can check audio books from the library...they seem pricey to purchase.  This week I started a RomCom.  But I noticed I miss listening to music so I will do a mix of book and music and see what happens.

Tiffany took her kids to a climbing park yesterday.  Apparently, Mason got some dad and seven random kids involved in a hide and seek game. HA!


Charlotte came to play for a bit today. 

Have a great week dear blog readers.!



Jane said...

Resting is always a good idea. Sometimes I think we forget how important it is to our well-being. The yarn for the vest looks very fall-ish. It is pretty so my fingers are crossed that your modifications work. Nothing wrong with plain stockinette socks. The knitting is soothing. The kids look like they are having fun. So cute.

karen said...

That yarn looks so squishy and nice!!